How many times have you heard that still small voice in your head telling you to do something but you push it aside because you tell yourself “that’s just my mind”. Often times, we think ourselves right out of God because of our own unbelief.
This week I want us to really look at and understand the voice of God in a more practical way. It can be so easy to be tossed to and fro and fall prey to the whiles of the enemy when you don’t follow the spirit and more often than not, it is in those seemingly small tasks which prove whether or not we truly believe.
The story of Gideon gives us a great lesson in the dangers of doubting God.
“And the Lord looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?”
Judges 6:14
The lord came to Gideon and spoke “ thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites” this was the word of the Lord but Gideon needed a sign to prove it. Sure enough God did confirm his word with a sign which caused Gideon to become emboldened, and do what the Lord was requiring. However, Gideon still required yet another sign from God to further prove what he had already established.
Many are like Gideon, and are waiting on a sign before they obey God. When God gives us a word or instructions there may be no clear sign or reason why, but because we are led by the spirit we trust that he will lead us into all truth and understanding. Our obedience is not reliant on whether or not the circumstance will be in our favour, but just because God said to I will do it.
Trust is a major component of love; you simply cannot love someone you do not trust. When we try to determine the conditions for our obedience, it proves to God that we do not trust his way. When we received the Holy Spirit we believed and therefore trusted God with the safekeeping and preserving of our souls. We are believers and received the spirit as a manifestation of that belief. So what signs are you looking for? What other voice do you need to hear before you simply obey God? Do not delay obedience today when you hear God. Follow the spirit and you shall not be led astray.
Last Sunrise
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