A Heart of Love
How would you love to have a heart that has the ability to give and receive love at all times? This is also a heart that can be loving to friends, family, and anyone else at just the right time and to the right person.
Consider this; God is love and his nature is love. We can see that throughout the Bible. He loved the whole world. Abraham was His friend and Jesus is His Son. He also loves us who had made Him our enemies.
Again please consider that God has now given us the opportunity to receive a new heart filled with His love when we are born again. This is the same love that he shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us. Christ. (Romans 5:5 KJV)
The truth is God gives us His heart of love so we could love Him and others. He also programs His Word/law in us and has given us clear instructions on how to yield to the workings or power of our new heart of love. For example; our love for God and others is only demonstrated when we choose to obey Him.
You may now wonder, if this is true, why is it that we know so many of God's children who refuse to love? This is because some persons have never really received salvation, or the life of Christ as they believe they did. It is having the Holy Spirit inside our hearts that gives us the power or nature of God needed to consistently walk in love.
Another reason is that there are some of God's children who simply choose not to obey God. They instead choose to walk in pride, in unforgiveness or offences that can stop the flow of love.
We also cannot love as God desires if we neglect the spiritual disciplines such as prayer, study of the word of God and not assembling ourselves with the people of God. At such times, our Faith which works by the love of God in us is weak and we cannot love by nature.
We can only love with purity when our hearts have repented of sin. This because sin breaks our love fellowship with God.
God gave us a heart or nature of love at salvation and wants our hearts loving not just our friends but everyone at all times!😃
Reflect and Respond
God never puts more on us than we can bear in and with Him.
If you are a child of God who is now carrying a grudge or malice; do you realise that God gave you a brand new heart of love and you can choose to obey Him and let it go. His desire is that love will flow freely from your heart to others now and at all times? It can if you sincerely desire to. What then is your response to God about this today?
If you are not yet received Salvation why not open your heart and receive God's new heart and life of love today?
Scripture In Focus
📖 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26 NKJV
📖He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”
John 14:21 NKJV
Andrew and Donnette Norman
- Founders and Presidents of Passion and Purity
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We did a Live Show based on this Sunrise. Check it out below.