Welcome to A Journey through the New Testament! In this series, we will systematically journey through every chapter in the New Testament, unveiling the marvelous insights that can be found in the scriptures.

The following Sunrise is based on Matthew 6:1-6
In a world hungry for signs and miracles, it's essential to recognize that the same Spirit that operated powerfully in the past continues to do so today. Miracles are not a thing of the past; God's power has not diminished, rather the shortcoming is in us.
To move under the power of the Holy Ghost, we need four essential qualities:
Holiness: A life devoid of sin, committed unto God.
Faith: A willingness and readiness to obey the Holy Ghost in any situation.
Sensitivity: Attentiveness and reverence for the voice of God.
Humility: A heart posture to give God glory and to deter any glory that would come to man.
Lacking any of these qualities can impede God's purpose in our lives. Many declare belief and seek purification, but the true question is: Are we seeking to glorify God or merely seeking recognition for ourselves?
When our heart's desire is to glorify God, we serve Him in private without seeking praise or recognition. In return, God rewards us openly, anointing us for ministry. When our motive is to see Him exalted, miracles flow not for our acclaim but to meet the needs of others.
Examine your motives, and determine whether your zeal in ministry stems from true compassion or a desire for personal recognition. Seek to serve God privately, and watch as He rewards you openly for His glory.
Written by Kareem Flowers, Sunrise with Jesus
Yes Lord