In old cartoons, when a character was conflicted between “doing the right thing”, you would often see a little angel on one shoulder promoting the good decision, and on the other shoulder, you’d have the devil promoting wrong. This is an exaggeration; however there are some in the church who still believe that even after salvation, this conflict remains present. When we were saved, God cleansed the mind body and soul. This means that our mind was not kept from salvation. God has given us the mind of Christ; meaning our thoughts, emotions and feelings are that of Christ. So then, when a righteous response is required, we are not left in the dark about what we need to do nor should we be conflicted to do that which is right.
Because the enemy no longer has control over our minds, all he can do is try to suggest certain thoughts which try to get you to consider his way.
Let’s look at how Jesus responded to the suggestion of the enemy.
“And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.”
“But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
- Matthew 4:3-4 KJV
Jesus responds to the enemy with the Word! There was no consideration nor questioning of that which was suggested to Him because of the Word. That was truth for his life; therefore when an alternative was suggested, it had no power. When we mull over and delay what we know to do, we have already chosen another way. The conflict we are faced with is because we are at that point of overriding our conscience. The suggestion seems more like your own mind talking to you because you have left space for it to become a thought; something you now have to consider. It is important we are able to see God’s perspective at all times, your perspective becomes your reality and the enemy will surely try to skew your perspective but This
This is why we can truly rejoice in the great work that God has done. Our minds are no longer captive; He has given us a new mind: one that is pure and holy! We do not have to fear that our thoughts would lead us into failure.
If you find that you seem to be trapped by your mind, or if you may have tried to get rid of certain thoughts or even a way of thinking that weighs you down and you want the peace of mind please feel free to reach out to the sunrise team we’d love to pray for you!
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